Thursday, July 19, 2007

Harry Potter Theories: Good and Bad

Alright, so there are plenty of theories and spoilers littering the interwebs right now. And of course there are the few questions everyone's obsessing over: Is Dumbley really dead? Who is R.A.B.? Is Harry a Horocrux, and all that jazz. I thought I'd take a moment to tell anyone who dares read this about a few of my favorites. Both for their ridiculousness and my own hopefulness. :]

The Chessboard Theroy:

This basically entails that The Chessboard chapter in the first book was foreshadowing for the entire series. For those who find this a foggy memory. In the first book when the Trio was working their way to the Philosopher's Stone, they came to one room where they were each forced to take the place of a chess piece on a giant wizarding board game. Ron, being a wizard chess fanatic, took the reigns and leaded Harry, Hermione and the other pieces to victory. However in order to win the game Ron was forced to sacrifice himself so Harry could take the King. Basically this theory states that this was an obvious metaphor for the series and in the end Ron will have to sacrifice himself so Harry can defeat Voldemort.

I like this theory, but I am not convinced by it. I don't think J.K. would put such a huge and literal foreshadowing in the very first book. It doesn't seem sneaky enough. However it would come as a shock. Very few fans are betting on Ron dying in the last book so having him sacrifice himself would be a bit shocking.

The Misdirection Theory:

Two boys fell under the prophecy made my Trelawney. Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom. This theory discusses the possibility that Neville is actually the chosen one and that Dumbledore focused on Harry to misdirect Lord Voldemort and thus keeping Neville under the radar and safe.

As much as I like this theory, There is an obvious flaw. One line in the prophecy states that the dark lord will mark the boy as his equal. There is no real way for this to point to Neville and it practically screams Potter.

Still, Dumbledore often states that Love and Heart will in the end be the greatest weapon against Voldemort. And if you ask me, no one has more heart than Neville Longbottom. Harry's a bit of a grump really....

The Young Mauraders Theroy:

This one is just plain laughable.

Harry and his friends are the new Mauraders. Harry is James (duh.), Ron is Sirius (Pureblooded, blood traitor best friend), Hermione is Lupin (she's smart.) and Neville is Petter Pettigrew (homely and awkward?) This theory goes on to say that in the end Neville will betray the others and turn to the dark side.

Maybe he'll kill Harry and Ginny while he's at it. Because Ginny is totally the new Lily.

ha ha ha.

There's some food for thought! See ya!

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