Saturday, May 27, 2006

X3: The Last Reveiw

....lame title I know, sorry but it was the best I could come up with....

Being the avid X-man wannabe I am and having loved the first two movies, I will admit to feeling a little nervous when I heard that Brett Ratner would be replacing Bryan Singer as the director. However after hearing about the concept of a danger room sequence and the fleshing out of Kitty Pryde I decided to forget the internet gossip and wait till I saw it for myself. So yesterday, May 26th 2006, I was more than happy to toss on my black leather jacket (The 'X-jacket' as I dubbed it a year or two ago) and head to my local theater opening day.

WARNING! The rest of this article will contain spoilers. If you have a problem with that stop reading riiiiiiiight.......










Alright, although I loved this movie, I must admit it wasn't as strong as the first two. First off, take the much talked about Danger room scene. It started off with no explaination, clearly meant to surprise the veiwer, but to anyone who knows anything about the X-universe it was pretty obvious as far as what was going on. To me the whole scene felt cheap, I just can't put my finger on why. They only thing that saved it was Colossus and Wolverine's 'Fastball Special'.

Truly the stuff of legend.

For me, as a comic fan, one of the best parts of the X-men movies is trying to spot the cameos. And while a few cameos from X2 were fleshed out as major characters for this film (Beast, Kitty Pryde and Colossus) and of course, some entirely new characters were brought in (Angel, Callisto, Juggernaut, Multiple Man, Kid Omega, Arclight and Leech) So here's the break down. I was a little put off by the whole 'Kelsey Grammer as Beast' thing but he did a passable, if a little stiff job. Ellen Page was a fairly good Kitty, I am not going to complain but I won't rave either, she was very cute. Our two tough guys, Colossus and Juggernaut were great in my opinion, but of course keep in mind that muscley action men are clearly not the most challenging of roles. Cameron Bright was quite adorable as Leech and I did enjoy Multiple Man as played by Eric Dane. However none of our other new characters did it for me. I found them all a little boring.

I will point out again, despite all the nitpicky negative stuff I am saying I did enjoy this movie. The action scenes where quite well done and most of the costuming was superb (what? costuming is a big deal with me, okay?) except for one tiny detail. Why.... the hell...... was Callisto not wearing a damn eyepatch!?!? Ahem.... sorry about that..... it's been bugging me since I first say the photos in Wizard magazine.....

As far as returning actors go Hugh Jackman, Sir Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, Anna Paquin, Rebecca Romijn and James Marsden all did great jobs once again. Famke Janssen absolutely blew me away as Jean Gray/The Pheonix, she was terrifying. I loved it! Also I was happy to note that Aaron Stanford and Shawn Ashmore are still as stunningly good looking as ever. They also did a great job in this film, but hey! Even if they stunk I honestly would not have noticed or cared. And as for Halle Berry? well let's just say that everytime I see that woman play Ororo Munroe I die a little more inside.

The one last thing that bothered me about this film was the Rouge-Iceman-Shadowcat love triangle. I realize the whole thing was concocted by the scriptwriters but still. Here they had both Kitty and Peter! they are the ultimate fairytale X-men couple! how could they not even hint at it? I don't understand.... Also found it funny that even though Kitty was barely mentioned in the other two movies in this one she is suddenly a full fledged X-man. In the comics it was such a big deal as far as how Professor X underestimated Kitty and she had to work so hard to prove herself. I really wish they had taken that oppurtunity and given Kitty's role a little more meat. but underfortunately they ignored that fact. A mistake on their part I would say....

Of course, as I said before it wasn't all bad. Among the high points where some great cameos (Siryn and Psylocke! hoorah!), the 'Fastball Special', the final shot of Magneto's chess piece (Oh.... My...... God.....), The surprise scene after the credits, Bobby Drake 'Icing' up, Vinnie Jones' exclaimation of 'I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!', Famke as the Pheonix, Hugh and Famke's onscreen chemistry, Colossus carrying the huge TV around (I don't know why it was awesome, it just was), the costuming and the classroom scene with Prof X (I love the little moments)

Over all I love this movie and highly recommend it but don't expect it to surpass the first two because you'll end up hugely dissapointed.

Snuggles and Superpowers,


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